Friday, May 18, 2007

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changes in the interpretation of my handwriting

My handwriting has changed in recent years, but clear.

She is still as unreadable as ever, but it also reflects many changes in me, and the should also be seen on my side.

The interpretations are all from , a site that I think is very good.

2004 to 2006 have

The first of the interpretations some point I made before the 04.01.2004.

The second interpretation on 24/02/2006 already shows significant changes.

I do not know if I can share my interpretation under a free license, I will describe the changes only.

2006, I called for the first time to be modest and self-critical. Also shows my handwriting more that I by myself 'm convinced.

However, they also said that I did not try to impose so my opinion and my writing was not that I tried to get justice.

was also the first time the desire for a basic distance on to other people, and accurate work disappeared from the Scriptures.

in my life has changed much in time. on 09/19/2004 I met my present wife and confessed to her on 29.09.2004 my love. On 15.10.2004 I started my physics major, and since mid-2005 I'm living with a fellow student in a shared apartment.

Life was generally quite stressful, but there were some great moments.
shows at least the first sich deutlich in der Deutung meiner Schrift.

Bis 2007 hat sich erneut einiges verändert.

2006 bis 2007

Nach der zweite Deutung am 24.02.2006 zeigt nun die dritte Deutung vom 18.05.2007 noch sstärkere Änderungen (finde ich).

Die Selbstkritik ist verschwunden, und generell ist die Deutung weitaus kürzer.

Die Deutung bescheinigt mir, dass ich mich mehr an Normen halte (was leider stimmt), aber meine Schrift spricht nicht mehr so sehr von Zurückhaltung und Bescheidenheit, und auch meine Warmherzigkeit, Gemütlichkeit und Phantasie ist der Schrift entwichen. Und leider stimmt auch das mit meinem aktuellen Zustand very good, no matter how much it bothers me. I am now compared to previously relatively complete.

is just as well as the Kontaktfreuigkeit not in my book, and my concern for others does not the software, and indeed rightly, because that has suffered, although it is still there and it turns out, if I feel good .

Above average intelligence is found not in Scripture, but it is now very accurate and analytical work. And, unfortunately, fits this to my self-perception. My immediate understanding of problems suffered.

And I tend to be the first time inaccuracies.

I work according to the Scriptures not so nervous, and put it through my mind also to external circumstances. And unfortunately I had to learn.

This fits quite well to that has done so again in my life a lot. Although I now live with my wife (and we have been married for just six months and two hours), life was quite stressful, and also in the new apartment, where we now live with my former roommate of three, is still stress there, and I am the first time in maybe 10 years really ready

confirmed all in all that the scripture interpretation my self-perception.

But I hope I can catch myself again and soar. I just got back started Tai Chi, and I take more time for myself, at least I have the front.

And less time on the computer where I write this, of course, just the text ...

The interpretation here now I know again that the manuscript itself reveals a lot scary computer programs. What's making them but of course more interesting to me to watch themselves.

Try it a try and write me a comment on your results (but by no means simply copied the text here because I do not know what is the copyright status of the texts. You can put like a link . Otherwise, please just briefly describe your own experiences.)


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