Monday, April 14, 2008

Jeff Hardy Four Weeler

40, 41, 42

Again it's a three piece suite ... I do not have the time to upload daily at the moment, sorry.
But these three are all around the same theme-A new exhibition at Glatt .

Day 40 - As being part of a group project at university that organized guided tours for the forthcoming exhibition, I was invited to participate at the opening of "Alamannen zwischen Schwarzwald, Neckar und Donau" and, of course, ...

Day 41 - ... we of ASK were engaged for presenting Alamannian couture, crafts and chronology on Sunday... You can see me here showing off in my rather gallo-roman officer's clothes...

Day 42 - Preparing speeches and themes for guided tours at the exhibition. Visible in the background are a reconstruction of the richly decorated Alamannian lyre of Trossingen and a well-preserved wooden flask and beakers from the grave field of Oberflacht.