Friday, November 6, 2009

How To Get A Soul Silver Rom To Work With Ideas

Season's Greetings

Some days of late, but anyways (including those of you who don't quite know what it is), simply a HAPPY SAMHAIN!
I'm in between feasts, some gone and some to come, to hug your dearest, keep them warm, when the outside world seems dying. To speak with the dead, to watch the change, and remember you're still here, so alive, in what sometimes seems a danse macabre.
I catched a terrible cold at the grounds of Lenus Mars (eh, wasn't this supposed to be a healing sanctuary? Supposedly venerable ancestral cowl-stumblers, I'm looking at you!!) which tied me in bed for some days, but it's getting better, along with everything else.
Just had to share this aberration of last year's celebration with you. Enjoy.