Saturday, January 16, 2010

What Does Service Computation Date Mean

keyboard learning to play a different way ...

Well, there are several ways to learn the keyboard. Most children or adults go to a music school or take private lessons. You get music books and learn everything step by step, note by note. Others turn to learn to play by ear and feel. These are the so-called natural talent, which the music is in the blood. They do not play by notes, partly because they may not be able to read this and partly because they do not need notes. The Melodie fließt sozusagen fast von allein über die Tastatur. Und so ähnlich war es damals auch bei mir.

Zum Leidwesen meines Opas haben wir Kinder, also mein Bruder und ich, nie wirklich an einem Musikunterricht teilgenommen, obwohl die musikalischen Gene offensichtlich vorhanden waren. Lediglich auf zwei Jahre Akkordeon-Unterricht kann ich zurückblicken, habe aber nie etwas daraus gemacht. Meine Familie ist insgesamt sehr musikalisch. Schon seit vielen Generationen wird sowohl in der Familie als auch auf diversen Konzerten Musik gemacht. Der eine spielt Gitarre, der andere Mundharmonika und Flöte und der Dritte spielt Klavier und Keyboard. Alle haben learned it alone and not go to any school.

Sometime in the summer, when all were together again and played music together, I said to myself "What can you can for a long time! At home I had a little old keyboard, which I had once received a gift from my uncle. So I sat down and began to turn in short play. "All my duck" was my first song, I think. But that did not matter back then. It worked and I was proud of me. In the following months I learned a song at a time. The tactic of listening to a song several times and then enact it, worked on an inexplicable way. I wrote down all learned songs and could soon show a decent collection. My grandpa was surprised and pleased at the same time. "Has she inherited it yet," he whispered to my parents. By this he meant the ability to reproduce a heard melody on the keyboard without reading sheet music appropriate for that.

accompany me until today, the music and now my new great keyboard almost daily. Playing in a small group with others is lots of fun and it also connects somehow. In the Nowadays, people forget that is exactly this together in the community. If I am sad, I play when I'm happy, I play when I feel like I play. It has become a part of my life and I would not miss it anymore. Fact is, who learned in this way the music is perhaps not a big famous musician who plays down on the stage the music, but he does something for himself and his soul.


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