Thursday, April 5, 2007

Monique Parent Stream

Hurt people

Someone wrote "Can you justify a genocide by the actions of the survivors that remain?" to provoke reactions.

This is my answer to it :

I'd like to add another point: If you return

hit a person, that person is most likely to hit someone else in. You shout at someone and that shouting carries on in a chain of bad mood.

When you now hit a people (and the jews where hit repeatedly for over a thousand years) and those people get into a position to be able to hit someone else, it is most likely that they will hit someone else.

So instead of saying "the small egomaniac was right to hit them, because they now hit others" you should rather say "the small egomaniac is responsible for the horror now happening in israel, because he imposed the horror on the jews (and though he was not the first to do it, he is the one they remember the most)".

There are people in israel who fight against this vicious circle of hurting people, but they fight a much harder fight than those who just throw bombs (regardless if they are bound to human beings or attached to missiles). The real fight is the fight for healing the wounds inside the soul of a whole people. And there are many people who need that kind of healing.

People die in that fight and they lose everything they have, but their fight for healing is the most important fight of all, and I think they know it, because else they wouldn't fight on while they are being called weaklings or traitors who weaken the dedication of the "rightful fighters".

And to make it worse, it's a tight rope: You need to help people heal themselves while you also need to support others in "enemy territory" to heal, too, because else those would fight on and on and start the downward spiral again, and you can't even say "no violence, ever", because you know that your country is being attacked, and that all your fight for healing would be in vain, if your country got destroyed.

Destruction is the wrong way, and be it only, because killing destroys the body of the one who gets killed, but the soul of the killer (not meant in the religious sene). 
And people with hurt souls need to heal, or they will create more violence.

And as a last sidenote: I am from germany, and I don't feel responsible for the actions of the germans half a century ago or for those of the Jews today. But I feel responsible for learning from our past and for helping others learn from it, too.


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